
A Thought about Evolution

The Most Interesting Man in the World has a comment about evolution to share:

Video: Poll Says Evolution is Not Science

This guy has a unique way of making videos, and I would like to know how he makes them, voice and video, while on a motorcycle. You might want to follow the link to YouTube itself and see the links there. Anyway, notice that leftists are invariably evolutionists. Why is that?

"Gay Rights" Activists, Atheists, Evolutionists and Other Useful Idiots

Some things that are noteworthy in the efforts of the radical leftists to seize power include: Appeal to emotion. The "values" of the leftists are opposed to the majority of the people, but they play up the emotional aspects of "causes" and people support them without thinking; look how leftists tell groups of people that they are oppressed and cannot succeed in life without leftists in power Labels and redefinition. Leftists use labels to provoke emotion (supporters of traditional marriage are labeled with the nonsensical but emotion-laden word "homophobe"), and redefine words to suit their purposes (such as "tolerance" meaning "Everything is okay except Judeo-Christian stuff"). Lack of reason. Someone who is not caught up in the emotional pot-stirring of the leftists can listen to their prominent figures and realize they do not make sense. I saw a picture of homosexuals with a poster outside of a Chick-fil-A restaurant

Strange Searches: St00pid

This is what showed up on my site tracker: I thought that maybe people finally got the message long ago... It shows up in their own search results, and what do they do? Click anyway! And there are plenty of other choices. Take a look at what the Yahoo searcher would see (as well as the Google searcher, I've checked that as well): Click for larger

Video: Intelligent Atheists?

I just wish he hadn't said "Christian scientist". That's a crackpot cult. "Scientist who is a Christian" would have been better. Still, this almost-three-minute video is worth watching.

Strange Searches — Atheist Coloring Book

As a review: "Strange Searches" is my term for those things that show up in my site thingie. It shows how someone got to the site, and what search terms they used (if any), and their search engine. Sometimes people just use key words that resemble an actual sentence but seem funny to read, other times, people really do search for something that I consider strange. And sometimes, people want me to see what they put together so they can get their prank on the page, but that trick usually fails. Here is something that made me wonder. I'll let you do some imagining:

Chick-fil-A, the Gaystapo and Bandwagon Convictions

This is circulating on Facebook A while back, I wrote an article on what I called "Bandwagon Convictions". I call them that because people jump on the bandwagon because something is trendy or popular. People would become atheists because of the shock value and the ability to get attention, not from actually reasoning to their position. (But the religion of atheism is on the slide , and intelligent people are more likely to be apathetic or contemptuous of such an admission.) In addition to jumping on a causal bandwagon for attention, people join causes because of emotion, a good sales pitch, a desire to please the current lover, to shut someone up or assorted other insincere reasons. Then (as is the case with atheism), people lose interest and start finding other things to do. I believe that there are two aspect to the so-called "gay rights" campaign. One is that "joiners" go along with this because they want to support a cause. Although homosexuals